In Linux kernel maintainer PGP guide I don’t understand the section “Back up your whole GnuPG directory”, and it is also asymmetric with the section discussing paperkey.
AFAIK, this should be sufficient:
gpg --output "priv_0.pgp" --armor --export-secret-key
I do 16 of these and then copy those to an USB stick (i.e. one for each hex digit).
@duxsco My “alternative” approach to the one proposed in the guide (I quite strictly follow it otherwise) has a measurable benefit: it is more durable given the 16 spare copies of the secret material.
I’ve been even thinking to send a patch to kernel-pgp-guide.txt
and that was sort of grounds to make this post. I think that just packing ~/.gnupg
is somewhat dirty approach…
I’d like to also point out that this approach also mirrors on how paperkey
use is instructed, so it is not asymmetrical. IMHO, processes should have only asymmetry if you have some very well rationalized explicit reason to do that when it comes privacy and security.
@monsieuricon so is there some difference compared to:
gpg --output "$USER-public.pgp" --armor --export $USER
gpg --output "$USER-private.pgp" --armor --export-secret-key $USER
gpg --export-ownertrust > "$USER-ownertrust.pgp"
Not trying to argue against just trying to understand what I’m reading :-)