@martijnbraam What makes you feel that way, if you don't mind explaining?
@emersion it's a horrible stack to work with, especially since the competition owns the kernel side. All while everyone just wants to use libcamera anyway. I have not booted a Linux phone in ages and have no use-case for it anymore.
For the last six months I've basically been messing with software nobody really wants for a community that doesn't care.
@emersion it wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't so incredibly hard to develop.
@martijnbraam Likely won't matter much but there are people following megapixel's development with interest (including me).
@martijnbraam I wouldn’t want Linux to disappear just because most folks use windows, and I’d rather megapixels didn’t disappear just because 60% prefers libcamera.
I consider the design of megapixels to be a lot cleaner and. And I’ve really enjoyed your blog posts on its development.
Ultimately, I hope you can work on what you enjoy. Even if these than half the folks out there use it, it’s still valuable to them, and the dev blogs are really interesting learning material.
@whynothugo it's not that 60% prefers libcamera, it's that 60% of my mastodon followers prefer I don't work on megapixels.
@martijnbraam @whynothugo libcamera isn't the application. It's the framework, whats the blocker to deliver great camera based on libcamera? Everything isn't about backend.
@okias @whynothugo libcamera api is fundamentally flawed to make a good camera app.
@martijnbraam @whynothugo Propose changes, fork it, etc... V4L2 seems to be even worst than libcamera.
@martijnbraam i would not pretend to have any right to impose you to work on anything, but i can absolutely thank you for your work. megapixels was the raison mobile linux got daily drivable to me. megapixels take great pictures on the pinephone thanks for all your great work. i hope you can enjoy yourself on other passetime, and that you would feel lighter, it's sad to get as much pressure... i hope the best for you.
It seems you go away a little more from #linuxmobile @martijnbraam 😭 ... but thanks for all your work, you made lots of things possible ...
I just wonder, with all your investment in those systems (pinephone, pmos, megapixels ...), why aren't you daily driving a Linux Phone ? What are the blockers according to you ?
@fdlamotte I don't daily drive linux phones because everyone is fucking around with making flashy apps and porting 20 desktop environments instead of making a phone distro I dare to run upgrades on while being more that 5 meters away from my PC.
@pavel @martijnbraam @whynothugo Right, big project, but consumer survey shows camera is one main factor in choosing a phone. 1/2
@pavel @martijnbraam @whynothugo If Linux aims to be a viable option, we need people who can invest serious time into designing it and that's why I value your and Martijn work a lot. But it won't be easy. 2/2