@jmorris Agreed. I understand why they are doing it, and I recognize that for many people email isn't a reasonable notification mechanism, but I personally am going to miss this and I worry about the impact it will have in approximately three months.
@monsieuricon @jmorris Yeah, like I said, I understand why, but that doesn't mean I'm not sad to see it go away.
@securepaul @monsieuricon @jmorris I didn't even know this feature existed! I'm genuinely curious, though: doesn't everyone using certbot just automatically renew? (And don't orgs who need to care about service availability already have an external status checking system?) Again, I'm not trying to be obtuse, but how were these emails used?
@monsieuricon @kees @jmorris Yes, exactly. All of my systems happily auto-renew as expected, but there have been cases in the past where something on the system changed and auto-renew stopped working.
The emails were a nice sanity check.
@corbet you have thousands of readers monitoring that site: don't worry, you'll know if your certs expire. ;)
@kees @securepaul @monsieuricon @jmorris I have one server where I've done something that breaks certbot, I don't know what, and have never investigated. I just manually renew when I get the email. Lazy me.
I guess I have some debugging in my future.