@monsieuricon @hyeyoo Can I deliver my patches on punch cards? I can use Fedex to ship a container if you want?
Haha, @adrian I think you might enjoy this! Especially since we talked about it yesterday!
@doctormo @monsieuricon @hyeyoo Of course. Only the best for the kernel.
@monsieuricon Messenger pidgeons for redundancy and blackout scenarios.
Strange. I was told the new number would be
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
@monsieuricon please write patches using only ASCII characters that use little ink, my magenta is running out.
@doctormo @loke @monsieuricon @hyeyoo I prefer the old-skool elegance (and security!) of sequences of knotted ropes.
@monsieuricon so us morse code telegraphers are left out again. Typical.
@monsieuricon Ah, that explains why the maximum number of columns was not changed from 80 (the old punched card standard) to 96 (the new smaller IBM punched card standard), but to 100 (the number of Elite characters that fit on a 215-mm wide fax roll)...
@monsieuricon Oh goodie. We've joined the 20th Century at last...