It's acid-test time. Getting rid of the gas furnace and installing a
#heatpump in Colorado was a bit of leap of faith, even though the consensus was that they are good enough to work in this environment now.
We're midway through a stretch of sustained sub-zero weather (as in, below 0°F, not that wimpy 0° used in other parts of the world), so we are definitely putting it to the test.
So far, so good. We did put in a backup 10KW resistance strip, that that has only come on once for a few minutes as far as I can tell. Even so, it's good that we like a cooler house than many; I think it would be hard-put to sustain the sorts of temperatures that a lot of people like to keep in their houses around here.
It *has* certainly burned through a lot of electricity; our summertime surplus from the solar panels is dwindling rapidly. The hope of getting all the way through the winter on our banked electricity seems to be falling by the wayside.
Still, the goal of turning off the fossil-fuel feed to the house remains on track.