A - DNS record
AA - battery
AAA - battery
AAAA - DNS record
Wikipedia is a problem for Musk/Trump. Not, as Musk says, because it's "woke." Because it's one of our last reliable tethers to a consensus reality. Therefore, an antidote to disinformation.
It's not making anyone money. It's not enshittified. Of course it's not perfect—it's an endeavor of imperfect cooperating humans. But it needs protection and support.
For all you cis folks. Feel free to boost.
Kdo mě sledujete a čtete túty s hashtagem #vanlife a #campervan, tak znáte Spoďára. Mám k němu velmi silný citový vztah. Jednak je to moje opravdu úplně první auto, jednak jsem si ho postavil sám, jednak nemám nic jiného, kdyby mě milá pustila k vodě, je to moje jediné bydlení. Po rozvodu to bylo to jediné místo, kde jsem se vídal s dcerami, snímek u tohohle tútu je ze Štědrého dne, s milou jsme v něm jeden rok slavili Vánoce. Spoďár s námi byl v Dánsku, na Slovensku, v Chorvatsku, Rakousku, projeli jsme Lužické i Orlické hory, jihočeské rybníky.
A najednou není. Tedy je, ale jako by nebyl. Odešla mu automatická převodovka. To nejhorší, co se mohlo stát. Byla po kompletní renovaci, stála mě nemálo peněz a nemálo úsilí. Ale chybička se stala a převodovka je v pánu a už mi jí nikde nechtějí ani shánět, ani opravovat. A servis, co mi ji repasoval, už dva roky neexistuje.
Chvíli jsem myslel, že Spoďára prodám na součástky. Ale nakonec jsem se sebezapřel a svitla mi naděje. Můj servis sehnal komplet přestavbový kyt a z mého nefunkčního automatu udělají manuál. Mění se toho moc. Skoro celej spodek. A budu rád, když se vejdu pod 80.000. Trochu se bojím technické, ale v servisu říkali, že převod zařídí. Tak snad. Držte palce, letos byl rok umírání, Spoďára tahám už podruhé hrobníkovi z lopaty. Tedy vrakovišti z lisu.
Kdykoliv, když jsem v minulosti uvažoval, jak by Google mohlo nahradit decentralizované vyhledávání, tak jsem narazil na otázku seedování crawleru relevantními URL. Nikdy mi nenapadlo nic lepšího, než prostě začít na wikipedii.. a ano, ta jistě musí být součástí jakéhokoliv pokusu o vyhledávač, ale sama nestačí.
Kdybych ale prošel stovky Mastodon instancí, které mají alespoň stovky uživatelů a načetl si jejich místní timeline a načetl ze statusů odkazy (a ostatně i oindexoval ty odkazy samotné), tak mám poměrně slušnou aproximaci "žijícího webu".
Samozřejmě - před tím, než bychom se o něco podobného pokusili, tak by musel počet aktivních uživatelů výrazně stoupnout. Existuje nějaká "kritická masa" a podle mě ji zatím nebylo dosaženo.
Další krok je vymyslet, jak vyhledávání decentralizovat a současně se bránit před hráči, kteří by se chtěli pokoušet o SEO (tedy nějak ten index spamovat).
Aaron Swartz was a digital rights champion who believed deeply in keeping the internet open. The organizers of Aaron Swartz Day will celebrate his life at 2 pm PT on Nov. 9. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/11/celebrating-life-aaron-swartz-aaron-swartz-day-2024
Petition to start naming hurricanes after companies that contribute the most to climate change
Hello! I suddenly find myself needing a job... yesterday!
I'm an experienced software and research engineer with a load of data science skills; I've worked on profiling and tracing MPI/MPICH programs, supercomputer simulations, C++ debugging (including tracing MPI race conditions! fun!), statistical analysis of chemical simulations, web service API/work, some front end, etc. I've written/debugged/worked on projects in C, C++, TypeScript, C#, Python, shell, and dabbled in Rust. I'm able to jump on any project and learn quickly. I love working in supercomputing!
I'm putting together my resume but if you know if anyone looking for someone to hire, here I am! I'm open to contract and temporary positions, too, so long as they're remote. I'm in Portland, OR, in the US.
Boosts appreciated!
#GetFediHired #JobHunting #HPC #SoftwareEngineer #ResearchSoftwareEngineer
Hillel Wayne has advice for new software developers. Worth reading, even if you aren't new to the field.
“The reason why [the Google/Amazon/Microsoft/Meta oligopoly] and all its little digirati minions on social media are pushing things like crypto, then the blockchain, and now virtual reality and artificial intelligence is because those technologies require a metric fuckton of computing power to operate. That fact may be devastating for the earth, indeed it is for our mental health, but it’s wonderful news for the four storefronts selling all the juice.”
Something I've learned from my experience working in software development: If you measure software developers (and probably any people) on any metric, they will change their behavior to optimize for that number. They will do this even if you don't reward or punish or judge or evaluate them using that metric. If they know the metric, they will change their behavior.
This means you need to be very, very careful that anything you measure is what you want people to optimize for.
my university has converted our office telephones to Microsoft Teams. when i grumbled about this to a favourite sysadmin, this is how they responded 🔥
“Microsoft has actually brilliantly leveraged the lousy security landscape -- for which they are in no small part responsible -- to capture even larger market-share, as we now need commercial entities to produce the software required to protect us from their failures, and therefore need a more uniform environment to achieve the necessary scale. The uniformity then guarantees an ever greater scale for the inevitable conflagration. Monocultures guarantee one big fire instead of a bunch of small survivable ones. We really have no interest in learning from evolution, in no small part because it would produce fewer billionaires.
— Local Cranky IT Guy” [shared with permission]
I spent a not insignificant part of today hoping that a solar storm would come and make computing impossible for a little while.
Imagine if #Firefox, #Chrome, and their derivatives could render Markdown, AsciiDoc, LaTeX, EPUB, and Gemtext as seamlessly as they handle PDFs. This could revolutionize the way we publish lightweight websites, making it as simple as dropping a text file into a directory.
(somebody knows an influential person at @mozilla ?)
A tribute to Daniel Bristot de Oliveira from Linux Plumbers. https://lpc.events/blog/current/index.php/2024/07/06/in-memory-of-daniel-bristot-de-oliveira/
I'm really really really not interested in computers getting more powerful.
I am super interested in them being more repairable and modifiable, drawing less power, lasting and being supported for way longer etc. That stuff still gets me excited
In software architecture you have to recognize when you're adding a rocket stage.
In rockets and aeroplanes it's a simple truth that weight adds more weight. To carry more you need bigger engines, a bigger fuel thank, more fuel. More weight becomes even more weight.
For rockets to make it out of the atmosphere they use multiple stages. Each stage carries the rocket to a certain height, once the fuel is used up the stage is ejected so the next stage can push forward a lighter rocket. So adding a stage will get you further, but at the cost of much more machinery, engineers, and complexity. You now have a much heavier rocket to launch.
Switching to kubernetes, kafka, microservices, a single page app, ... is adding a rocket stage. Maybe it's what you need to get where you want to go, but be clear about the extra weight, operational cost, engineering overheard, mental overhead.