@aks I’ve actually quite excited on getting back to vim from neovim but have done also some experiments like this Haskell one from 2010-11. Let’s just say that I did not pursue a career as a Haskell programmer after this ;-)
Looking back 2D maze is actually pretty good test probe for any language. It has a algorithm, I/O and graphics so it gives me fairly good evaluation how much I like or dislike a language :-)
module Maze where
import Control.Monad
import Foreign
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import System.Random
import Data.List
import Data.Array
data Cell = Cell {
top :: Bool,
left :: Bool,
visited :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type Maze = Array (Int, Int) Cell
newCell = Cell {top = True, left = True, visited = False}
newMaze :: Int -> Int -> Maze
newMaze rows columns = listArray ((0, 0), (rows - 1, columns - 1)) (repeat newCell)
genMaze maze (r, c) (seed:seeds)
| visited (maze ! (r, c)) == True = maze
| otherwise = foldl traverse maze' ((permutations neighbours) !! index)
where maze' = maze//[((r, c), (maze ! (r, c)) { visited = True })]
locs = [(r - 1, c), (r + 1, c), (r, c - 1), (r, c + 1)]
((_, _), (rmax, cmax)) = (bounds maze)
neighbours = [(r', c') | (r', c') <- locs,
r' >= 0 && r' <= rmax, c' >= 0 && c' <= cmax]
index = seed `mod` (length neighbours)
moveTo maze (r, c) (r', c')
| visited cell' = maze
| r' < r = maze//[((r, c), cell { top = False })]
| r' > r = maze//[((r', c'), cell' { top = False })]
| c' < c = maze//[((r, c), cell { left = False })]
| c' > c = maze//[((r', c'), cell' { left = False })]
| otherwise = error "Invalid move"
where cell = maze ! (r, c)
cell' = maze ! (r', c')
traverse maze' (r', c') = genMaze (moveTo maze' (r, c) (r', c')) (r', c') seeds
hline :: Int -> Int -> Int -> SDL.Pixel -> SDL.Surface -> IO ()
hline x y width (SDL.Pixel pixel) screen = do
screenWidth <- return (SDL.surfaceGetWidth screen)
pixels <- castPtr `liftM` SDL.surfaceGetPixels screen
forM_ [0..(width - 1)] $ \dx -> do
pokeElemOff pixels (y * screenWidth + x + dx) pixel
vline :: Int -> Int -> Int -> SDL.Pixel -> SDL.Surface -> IO ()
vline x y height (SDL.Pixel pixel) screen = do
screenWidth <- return (SDL.surfaceGetWidth screen)
pixels <- castPtr `liftM` SDL.surfaceGetPixels screen
forM_ [0..(height - 1)] $ \dy -> do
pokeElemOff pixels ((y + dy) * screenWidth + x) pixel
main :: IO()
main = do
startRow <- randomRIO (0 :: Int, rows - 1)
startColumn <- randomRIO (0 :: Int, columns - 1)
seeds <- replicateM (rows * columns) (randomRIO (0 :: Int, (max rows columns)))
maze <- return (genMaze (newMaze rows columns) (startRow, startColumn) seeds)
SDL.init [SDL.InitEverything]
screen <- SDL.setVideoMode screenWidth screenHeight 32 []
hline 0 0 screenWidth whitePixel screen
hline 0 (screenHeight - 1) screenWidth whitePixel screen
vline 0 0 screenHeight whitePixel screen
vline (screenWidth - 1) 0 screenHeight whitePixel screen
forM (assocs maze) $ \((r, c), cell) ->
if (top cell) then do
hline (blockWidth * c) (blockHeight * r) blockWidth whitePixel screen
else do return ()
forM (assocs maze) $ \((r, c), cell) ->
if (left cell) then do
vline (blockWidth * c) (blockHeight * r) blockHeight whitePixel screen
else do return ()
SDL.flip screen
eventLoop = SDL.waitEvent >>= checkEvent
checkEvent SDL.Quit = return()
checkEvent (SDL.KeyUp _) = return()
checkEvent _ = eventLoop
blockWidth = 32
blockHeight = 32
rows = 16
columns = 16
screenWidth = columns * blockWidth
screenHeight = rows * blockHeight
whitePixel = SDL.Pixel 0x00FFFFFF
What I think of Biden/Trump? Pretty much the same feeling that I had when I did this track with my Slovakian-Finnish friend Vlado in 2020: https://globalfishmafia.bandcamp.com/track/i-dont-feel-anything
I was in Portland OR when 2016 elections happened, which was pretty cool I think or once in a lifetime historical experience, mind the result. Or actually, it is not my concern what I might mind the result. I only focus taking stand in the votes where I have a legit standing point in the first place.
E.g. I have a voting ticket for Finnish parliament, EU and LF deciding bodies. So I focus on those and deal with sometimes unfortunate reality.