In Linux kernel maintainer PGP guide I don’t understand the section “Back up your whole GnuPG directory”, and it is also asymmetric with the section discussing paperkey.
AFAIK, this should be sufficient:
gpg --output "priv_0.pgp" --armor --export-secret-key
I do 16 of these and then copy those to an USB stick (i.e. one for each hex digit).
Hmm.. With DIP switches set to “SDIO” mode, VisionFive2 SBC gives the most informative error message ever:
BOOT fail,Error is 0xffffffff
I’d guess the last value is -1
in 1’s complement format but other than that 🤷
I used #BuildRoot and visionfive2_defconfig
. Not sure how feature complete so maybe I will try the official SDK for comparison.
I love #EU, although ideally we wouldn't be living in a world with such crappy companies in the position these are in the first place.
via @EU_Commission
#Rust installation instructions go like:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
But what you actually want to do most of the time, is probably:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash -s -- --no-modify-path