It has been a long time coming, but I've made it official:
"Daniel no longer answers questions on stackoverflow. Use a dedicated public curl forum for accurate and timely answers about anything #curl. "
(yes, speaking about myself in 3rd person)
Every day I read theories about why the media favors Nazis and gives bad coverage to Biden,.
"They're trying to make it a horse race"
But never "Billionaires own the companies and they're on the side of the Nazis", which seems like the simpler, more obvious explanation to me.
The big problem with Tesla that this article misses completely is that many of Tesla's most enthusiastic customers (like I once was) no longer want to support a person who is actively promoting hateful conspiracy theories and providing nazis and Russians with a platform to disrupt the upcoming U.S. election.
Posted into AC/DC AI @ac-dc-ai-mike
Hey, American college students, it would be helpful for the U.S., the world, Palestinians, and Israelis, if you would turn your attention to defeating Donald Trump in November. Read about his fascist plans in this recent extended interview with him.