Next years @linuxplumbersconf will be in Vienna, Austria during the Week of 16 Sep.
To quote from the private "#LinuxPlumbers Conference is a Wrap, see you next year" mail I just received:
""we're looking forwards to seeing you at next year's Linux Plumbers Conference (possibly even in person?) which will be in Vienna, Austria on the Week of 16 September 2024 (co-located with OSS EU). We haven't found the actual space we'll be using yet, so we don't have exact days of that week to give you.""
It's funny (not funny) how the single-digit issue numbers for any kernel driver repos stored in github/gitlab have become completely useless.
You see, a lot of bug reports and commits contain backtraces and lockdep splats. And they, in turn, contain a lot of #1 and #2 etc.
And github/gitlab think they are references to issues.
For examples, see or
Our very own @mtaht will be speaking at the upcoming #UnderstandingLatency 2.0 webinar series:
Last run was a huge success, the first event of this kind put on by Domos.
Learn From Leading Experts on Network #Latency, #Bufferbloat & #Jitter.
DECEMBER 11-13, 2023 | 4 PM CET
#LibreQoS #RoundTripTime #WorkingLatency #RTT #SpeedTest #Throughput #Bandwidth #InternetServiceProvider #CDN #IXP #OpenSource #LowLatency #ISP #WISP #FWA #5G #Starlink
Greetings everyone ! My name is François Rincon, I am a theoretical physicist working in France at CNRS. I spent the first 20 years of my career doing research on nonlinear astrophysical fluids, plasmas and magnetic dynamics in astrophysical systems spanning many scales, ranging from the Sun, to protoplanetary accretion disks, to clusters of galaxies and the primordial […]
Dear junior to mid career technologists,
You deserve to be here, you are good enough. The imposter syndrome is normal. Try to find comfort in knowing you are not alone, we all experience imposter syndrome and for most of us it never fully goes away. I am a Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat, have over 20 years experience, a BS and MS of Computer Science, multiple patents pending, and I still have that feeling sometimes. You are not alone. You do belong. We are a community. Be kind to yourself ❤️
@sovtechfund (funded by the German government) just announced a €1M grant towards the @gnome project, an open source desktop environment.
Imagine a world in which governments don't spend billions of dollars in licensing fees every year to make Microsoft richer, and that money instead goes towards _public code_ that belongs to all of us.
That may seem utterly implausible - but every example like this brings us one step closer to it being inevitable.
“In sum, there is no denying that women’s path to leadership positions is paved with many barriers including a very thick glass ceiling. But a much bigger problem is the lack of career obstacles for incompetent men [..] The result is a pathological system that rewards men for their incompetence while punishing women for their competence, to everybody’s detriment.”
Happy Torment Nexus day to those who celebrate (we all celebrate, there is no choice).
US lawmakers are asking to restrict American participation in RISC-V "to prevent China from gaining dominance in CPU technology". The request is misguided. I wrote a letter to the US government on the subject:
I'd appreciate if anyone can help amplify or route the message, so that US rule-makers can better understand the issue.
If you don’t agree with my stance, I encourage you to also send a letter expressing your views, so your opinions can be heard.
Police nabbed a graffiti artist attempting to flee the scene of committing this (picture) adorable art in the harbor of Visby, Gotland, the large island just outside southeastern mainland Sweden.
The 27-year-old was prosecuted for vandalism, with the prosecutor demanding a fine.
Police's interrogation records said e.g. that "His intention is to offer free art to passersby." and... the District Court of Gotland... agreed.
The court's ruling states that no harm has been proven and that the artist "on a gray and cracked concrete façade which is the short end of a loading dock, has depicted a lamb.", that "The way in which X has illustrated the lamb testifies to an artistic work carried out with a certain amount of artistic and technical skill." then finally "According to the District Court's opinion, the beauty value of the cracked concrete façade - in purely objective terms - has increased through X's painting." so the 27-year old artist was acquitted by the court, which also ruled that the police had must return the spray cans they had confiscated.
Damn hippies. ;-D
A reminder for non-academics: If you ever can't find access to an #academic's paper or article, you should feel free and encouraged to reach out to them to ask for a pre-print version.
99.9% of the time, they will not think of it as an imposition; they will, in fact, be EXTREMELY gratified by your interest.
This is something about which I didn't really know the rules and expectations until I was in grad school for the first time, and that is a) pretty late in the game and b) not a context most people will literally ever experience.
So now I try to put it out there to the general public whenever it occurs to me, and especially to my undergrad students.