[ stolen from a colleague ]
I am not inherently against "AI" tools.
I just want the techbros making them to understand "consent".
As it stands now, something like GitHub Copilot is the single largest attack on open source, and the biggest case of copyright and license infringement in history. Copilot is designed to remove any and all license restrictions from open source code, so it can be reused by proprietary developers without having to respect licensing terms.
Like I always say - if Copilot is not copyright and license infringement, why doesn't Microsoft train it on its own proprietary code?
If you are a web-dev, you need to read this, so should your boss (and then he should put you on a 56K modem)
@yurnidiot This is actually how Hutchinson Telecom broke BT's de-facto monopoly on phone service in the UK in 1983—they bought the rights to use the disused pneumatic power pipes under the Square Mile in London, then trained ferrets to drag cable between sites. This let them sell non-BT leased line service to City trading desks, and was the first crack in British Telecom's post-privatization national monopoly.
I've suspected for years that kids can pick up some pretty advanced math at a far younger age than they're typically allowed to. Now that I've spent a couple of years teaching my own kids math, and they're both comfortable with things like Cantor's Diagonal Argument (they adored the story of Hilbert's Hotel!) I'm even more certain this is true.
The way most people learn math now seems almost cruel to me. It's as if we were refusing to allow kids to read any fun stories until they had done a requisite amount of drilling on spelling and punctuation first. And if we did that, how many of those kids would wind up enjoying reading and writing?
When I boil it down, I find my feelings about AI are actually pretty similar to my feelings about blockchains.
The Verge article on the best printer in 2024 is just completely brilliant in so many ways.
And also kinda sad.
I finalized my epaper calendar! 🤩
Calendar events are pulled from @homeassistant the device itself is running @esphome. It automatically shows as many entries as can be fitted on the screen, same day entries get grouped together.
Optionally a random quote can be displayed on the bottom or alternatively the next event of the day. The device is battery powered and uses deep sleep to extend the battery life.
If you want to build your own: https://github.com/paviro/ESPHome-ePaper-Calendar
I am super grateful for boosts!
Nine years today, I actually can't believe it's been so long already.
Thank you Terry Pratchett for your solidly, relatably flawed characters.
Thank you Terry Pratchett for making me laugh every single time no matter how many rereads.
Thank you Terry Pratchett for writing strong women.
Thank you Terry Pratchett for my inability to ever pronounce "pun" correctly.
Thank you Terry Pratchett for teaching me what sort of human I wanted to grow up to be.
Thank you Terry Pratchett for The Hedgehog Song.
Thank you Terry Pratchett for everything, you are very much missed.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken"
JFC, people in tech are really out there saying that language models will be better at therapy, financial advice, and career advice than trained people.
WTF is wrong with you people? Do you really have no clue about what other people’s jobs actually involve?
Language models can’t even do maths how are they supposed to get good at financial advice?
And therapy? Just… 😑
What’s wrong with people in tech?
“How green are Europe’s railways?”
It's obvious that if I take a trip by train, rather than by car or plane, it is the green choice.
But modal share for rail is marginal, and decisions made by politicians and the industry are preventing the step change we need - due to the climate crisis
New post 👇
To me the following taglines provokes quite different impressions:
- Firefox with built-in AI (used for translations)
- Firefox with built-in Translations (based on AI)
The former is a solution looking for a problem, the latter is a problem with a proposed solution.
I acknowledge that it might mean little to end-users, but it does matter in how I view the Mozilla organization.
Why @obsidian is 100% user-supported and not backed by VC investors
Look, you don't *have* to read @molly0xfff's defenestration of Chris Dixon, but honestly, life is short and nice things are few and far between; particularly in tech: