Darth Vader in a kilt, on a unicycle, playing bagpipes.
It's good to be alive.
"Humans think they are smarter than dolphins because we build cars and buildings and start wars etc... and all that dolphins do is swim in the water, eat fish and play around. Dolphins believe that they are smarter for exactly the same reasons."
~ Douglas Adams
I love this article about the US debate.
If you're American or British and it rubs you the wrong way, please note that this is how your press writes about us.
H/T to @meena for bringing it to my attention.
If you want to keep using @signalapp in the EU, say no to #ChatControl
Calling for the help of the fediverse!
Help spread the word of our browser extension Consent-O-Matic that helps automate answering those ever-present cookie consent pop-ups.
It's developed by researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark and free to use for Chrome/Edge, Firefox and Safari including for iOS.
Also, it's open source, so if you have a bit of technical skill, you can help us improve the rule set for greater coverage.
I've been running mail servers and writing email software since the dialup days of 1995. I guess by today's trends, that could brand me a holdout.
But we're still hosting mail for hundreds of company domains across dozens of mail servers, all in a nicely packaged system that's always just an "apt install" away.
The landscape has changed over time, and, yes, it is annoying dealing with the imbalance that the behemoth mail providers represent these days.
But there's a lot to be said for not bargaining away your digital autonomy.
I saw @mwl selling his "Run Your Own Mail Server" book and jumped to pick up a copy. Not so much because I had a need for it (though it'll be interesting to compare notes!), but because I strongly support the idea that email is still a shared ecosystem and love that Michael is sharing the knowledge to encourage folks to continue to participate.
Long live the open Internet.
@michaelgemar @svgeesus i’m generally (and increasingly) of the opinion that copyright is an extremely poor tool to protect the public good
Seen a couple takes about the Hachette case along the lines of “the Internet Archive should’ve stuck to just archiving the Internet and not testing new theories of copyright” and uhhh... I’m not sure what it is you think the Internet Archive does, outside of testing new theories of copyright.
Left: the University of Copenhagen using photos from Fridays for Future marches to advertise its "sustainability" commitments
Right: the University of Copenhagen calling on a team of cops to arrest Greta Thunberg and its own students.
Solidarity with Studerende Mod Besættelsen for your courage - Academic Boycott Now!
#Palestine #Genocide #StopGenocide #Gaza #Sustainability #ScienceMastodon #BDS
Happy Birthday to the LVFS
9 years ago today I wrote 4 little PHP scripts and pushed it to OpenShift which was the beginning of the LVFS. We've since rewritten it in Python, switched the deployment from "sudo git pull" on the server under my stairs at home (literally) to deploying onto AWS with Terraform.
In 9 years we've onboarded over 140 vendors, shipped ~110 million firmware files and added support for ~85 firmware update protocols for ~1600 different devices. I'm pretty happy with that.
I am begging software projects to release programs as tarballs or plain old static binaries. I don't know what a Helm chart is. I am not installing an entire Kubernetes cluster. Docker breaks LXC and firewalls and is constantly breaking for mysterious reasons. I would rather submit myself to hours of `./configure && make && make install` frustration than try to hack through the endless hellscape of containerized deployment systems.