One of the webcams in Brno where the water level in Svratka river is seen:
@pony Video says it all, although I think this is a controlled flow still due to the reservoir being emptied. An uncontrolled one may come tomorrow.
@ljs @oleksandr @pony lorenzo, a kernel developer, knows what it's like to just shift trouble downstream 🍷
*throws himself into the mud*
@pony @oleksandr btw, @ljs, look up what's the cs_🍺 word for hinges
sir unhinged
@pony @oleksandr @ljs perfectly understandable on friday
@pony @oleksandr @ljs good news is you may already be too old for early onset dementia
@jarkko @oleksandr @pony @ljs yes. now try figuring out where to buy some without getting on a naughty list
@vbabka Check this then, same source: