generated documentation starts to look a bit like actual documentation after fixing all the clippy::pedantic
errors.i was not aware of this flag until some sent a PR fixing a few of these. not that experienced with the language yet..
only thing that is left is two integration tests for examples in order call this 0.1, i.e. test_sz_to_rzm
and test_rz_szm
but I need a. stable and idiomatic way to point out to the executables. I guess I could make this happen by injecting stuff through
, right?
after that is sorted out it is good for what i needed it originally for (my serial terminal), i’ll set up github runner for CI (tests + clippy), make the crate release and call it a day. after that not going to do proactively do anything to it except review and merge pull requests.
I switched to #helix editor because three advantages weight me more than disadvantage of having to learn away for #vim shortcuts:
(and that big pile of plugins).So for the price of few weeks inconvenience I can stop spending time on text editor configuration and/or figuring out on how to install it.
I used #vim and later on neovim fo the period 1998-2023, even before using Linux. I switched to vim in MS-DOS from text editor called #QEDIT :-)
really like this fsmetry
crate (also no_std
fsmentry::dsl! {
pub Mode {
WaitingInput -> WaitingCommand -> WaitingInput;
WaitingCommand -> SendingFile -> WaitingInput;
WaitingCommand -> ReceivingFile -> WaitingInput;
WaitingCommand -> Exit;
I use it manage life-cycle in my small serial port tool tior
. I also have some #zmodem code together but it is apparently much bigger leap to implement the #cli interface than it is to implement the protocol. I had to take some time to refactor existing code (e.g. to put FSM in place) and now I’m doing file path auto-completing interface for sending and receiving files with zmodem.
For the text input I’m going to use inquire.
I guess the definition of feature complete for 0.1 version is fully working zmodem transfers and known bugs have been fixed. Right now there is a single known bug: