@josh @osi I'm not sure what was the point of time when open source turned into individuals inventing great things together (or to be totally honest sometimes having a huge flame wars together) into companies making these weird announcements together.
I mean for instance Linux Foundation seems to have almost at least bi-monthly announcement where they say how they are driving innovation in whatever is the hot topic of the day accompanied with endorsements with your "usual suspects" companies from IT, finance etc. business sectors. For me they have turned more like a joke than something I would ever consider to take seriously.
Recently I did "acid test" to LF to see if there is any real meat in these announcements when they launched
https://www.lfdecentralizedtrust.org/. I thought that since I'm a long-time kernel maintainer in security and I also work for a company whose founder Gavin Wood literally invented smart contracts and coined up the term "Web3", I would be a great participant to the discussions or possible conference calls.
So I dropped email to their general inquiries address info@lfdecentralizedtrust.org. After three weeks my inbox has been silent :-) This was my expectation as I'm an individual not e.g. VISA. I'm not personally disappointed, but I'm disappointed because my hypothesis realized in this empirical experiment.
I have voting right in e.g. LF TAB elections but I do criticize Finnish politics sometimes too so I guess I can say this ;-) As LF puts it "decentralized innovation built on trust"...