With https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/c/d30e51aa7b1f6fa7dd78d4598d1e4c047fcc3fb9 #SLAB is now gone from the #Linux #kernel. SLUB thus is now the one and only, as SLOB was removed a few moons ago already. Congrats to @vbabka for these successful shrinking efforts!
The merge commit linked above also brought "SLUB: delayed freezing of CPU partial slabs", which can improve the performance in certain benchmarks. #LinuxKernel
This talk from Sasha covers some of the factors that contribute to the difficulty of maintaining stable #Linux #kernel, and explains how those factors increase in difficulty and complexity as the stable kernel gets older. The talk also offer suggestions to reduce the long-term burden, as well as cover best practices around patch backport and reduction of technical debt on these longer-term #LinuxKernel.[1]
[1] text based on this abstract: https://ossjapan2023.sched.com/event/1Tyom/challenges-around-long-term-kernel-maintenance-sasha-levin-google?iframe=no&w=100%&sidebar=yes&bg=no
Hey #Linux #Kernel people. Last year we had the first #Kernel Devroom at #FOSDEM. And we're running the #Kernel Devroom for #FOSDEM in 2024 as well!
#FOSDEM 2024 is taking place over the weekend of the 3 & 4 February in Brussels, Belgium!
It is a wonderful event that's very close to my and a lot of people's hearts!
Join @rppt, Daniel Borkmann, and @stgraber, and myself and make this another great #FOSDEM!
We're very excited for your submissions!
Next years @linuxplumbersconf will be in Vienna, Austria during the Week of 16 Sep.
To quote from the private "#LinuxPlumbers Conference is a Wrap, see you next year" mail I just received:
""we're looking forwards to seeing you at next year's Linux Plumbers Conference (possibly even in person?) which will be in Vienna, Austria on the Week of 16 September 2024 (co-located with OSS EU). We haven't found the actual space we'll be using yet, so we don't have exact days of that week to give you.""