@corbet @monsieuricon as long as all the posted patches are archived somewhere and can be retrieved later at any time with no hassle (like it is with lore now), there's no difference what name the dumpster gets.
But is LKML still CCed on basically everything? I didn't check, but I got the impression that sometimes it's forgotten or omitted on purpise. If that is frequently the case I wonder if it would make more sense to create some kind of "automatically filled catch all list" that better serves the needs of those that like LKML how it is.
[if anyone things it's worth bringing this point to the discussion let me know]
Side note: I for now decided to stay away from that discussion myself, despite having recently posted something here that goes into a similar direction (or a step further, to be a bit more precise):
@kernellogger @corbet I like the idea of lkml as an aggregation of the other lists but I don't think that alone would solve the problems that @monsieuricon has put forward. Unless it wasn't distributed via email and only available via nntp.lore.kernel.org perhaps...
@andyprice @corbet @monsieuricon
yeah, fair point; I have different problems in mind here
For patches, yeah; but I meant for other stuff, like bug reports and things discussed without a patch.
@kernellogger @corbet @monsieuricon I only CC lkml when:
1. It's the mailing list for the subsystem (e.g. regulator),
2. The subsystem mailing list is rather obscure, or not archived on lore.
3. The patch fixes a serious issue or regression.
@corbet @monsieuricon I'm in the same boat, I like browsing it as an overview. The architecture lists perform a similar function (linux-arm-kernel and linuxppc-dev) but in a more focused form. I'd be disappointed if the proposal gets implemented.
@kernellogger @monsieuricon @corbet People still use get_maintainer for that (often with βfile on the relevant driver/subsystem core).
@broonie @monsieuricon @corbet
Sure, but not everyone, which I noticed during my regression tracking work.
See also: https://society.oftrolls.com/@geert/111371010492230622
yeah, make sense (side note: CCing the regressions list on regression would be nice, too). And I got the impression a few people use a similar strategy, but I didn't properly check.
@kernellogger @corbet @monsieuricon Forgot one:
4. I want to increase the probability of making it into LWN.net's Announcements / Kernel patches of interest ;-)