I just got a few ideas for the next idiotic #opensource DMCA takedown notice I have to respond to...
@DJGummikuh @ciaranmak @dokuwiki
It's overly complex (I'll try to make it simple)
The CVE project is run by MITRE and funded by the Department of Homeland Security in the US. There is a group called cve.org that is meant to be the public face of CVE. They are driving some change, but fundamentally MITRE is still driving the bus (they control the money)
The current solution the CVE group has created to deal with the huge number of CVE IDs and lack of transparency is to encourage everyone to become a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA). The idea behind that is whoever owns a product or project is responsible for all the CVEs for their scope (curl and the Linux Kernel have done this for example).
Then there is NVD which adds enrichment data to CVEs. NVD is part of NIST and not associated with CVE.
NVD has almost completely stopped enriching CVEs since the middle of February due to reasons that they won't tell anyone
It keeps getting weirder the deeper you go :)
"hi I am Greg, this is wrong, everything I say is public information and *not* under NDA" - @gregkh on stage of the #GoogleAndroidBootcamp
@Conan_Kudo @karolherbst the quip I usually drop on this:
upstream can remain stubborn for much longer than you can retain market share
it just takes decades, and to nvidia's credit they started to move before it got really costly for them. unlike pretty much everyone else
Saturday's stable kernel updates https://lwn.net/Articles/969732/ #LWN
Well, I finally have data to back my model of the software world out there. And the data is relatively solid and shows what I keep saying.
You are all on our turf now. Please accept that you have no idea what you are talking about. Sit down. Listen. Ask questions.
But respect our work. We are trying to keep the world running, 1h per month.
@drewdevault I think I can save you a step here, we did a research paper on this a few years ago.
"Do Software Developers Understand Open Source Licenses?"
To my chagrin my co-authors overruled me, but in my first draft the abstract was just:
Minister Adriaansens: verhuizing SIDN naar Amazon 'nog geen voldongen feit' https://tweakers.net/nieuws/220102/minister-adriaansens-verhuizing-sidn-naar-amazon-nog-geen-voldongen-feit.html