Learned a bit o #python #gnupg bindings to automate tasks, as gpg command line can be sometimes a bit confusing and ambiguous.
E.g. this is how to purge revoked keys after gpg --refresh-keys
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import gnupg
if __name__ == "__main__":
gpg = gnupg.GPG()
keys = gpg.list_keys(True)
for k in keys:
info_db = k['subkey_info']
for subk in k['subkeys']:
info = info_db[subk[0]]
if info['trust'] == 'r':
fp = subk[2]
print(f"{fp} {gpg.delete_keys(fp, expect_passphrase=False, exclamation_mode=True)}")
Definitely worth of trouble because I’m super-talented on making destructive mistakes with command-line arguments :-)
have to admit that i’ve missed this before but better late than never: https://libguestfs.org/. super useful #qemu
Just looking at what #Ubuntu installation stores #NVRAM of #TPM chip when installed with #TPM2 sealed #encrypted boot:
$ sudo tpm2_getcap handles-persistent
- 0x81000001
- 0x81010001
So: I guess the 2nd key, which has a policy bind, is what is “the fast path” with #PCR unsealing, and the first key is “the slow path” unsealed with the value given by snap recovery --show-keys
Is this how it is laid out?
Jori Hulkkonen - Unelmaelämää koneiden keskellä [artikkeli & video] (20.3. 2024).
"30 vuotta musiikkia tehnyt Hulkkonen kokee, että musiikkialan suuri teknologiamurros on hyödyttänyt häntä."
Video: https://areena.yle.fi/1-66455452
#JoriHulkkonen #techno #house #deephouse #Kemi #Turku #Finland
#OnThisDay, 21 Mar 1945, Hannie Schaft, an active member of the Dutch resistance known as "the girl with the red hair", is arrested at a German checkpoint in Haarlem.
She is later executed, allegedly saying "I shoot better" after the first attempt to shoot her missed.
#WomensHistoryMonth #WomenInHistory #History #WW2 #DutchHistory #Histodons
The European Parliament has passed a law banning certain AI applications that threaten citizens’ rights, including untargeted scraping of faces from the internet or CCTV footage to create facial recognition databases, emotion recognition in the workplace & schools, social scoring, and predictive policing. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20240308IPR19015/artificial-intelligence-act-meps-adopt-landmark-law
FLOSS folks, is there any research into using image pulls / downloads (or even, yuck, GH stars) as a metric for number of installations/active users?
(Please don't reply with lists of pro/cons/limitations/constraints etc, got plenty of those myself; I'm specifically looking for existing papers or other publications, thank you! 🙏)
#FLOSS #OpenSource #OpenSourceMetrics