NASA is sending a software update to the Voyager 2 spacecraft today!
Data will be sent at 16 bps with a 19 kW transmitter using the 70-m dish at DSN Canberra.
Distance: 20 billion km
Light travel time: 18:40 hours
The patch contains logic to recover from glitches similar to the one in May 2022, when the AACS system on Voyager 1 was sending garbled data. The root cause was not diagnosed. The patch will be activated on Oct 28. Voyager 2 will be next.
Windows: 0
Linux: 1
It is not Linux's job to stop you from shooting your foot. If you so choose to do so, then it is Linux's job to deliver Mr. Bullet to Mr. Foot in the most efficient way it knows.
[$] Progress on no-GIL CPython #LWN