Kernel plumber at Uncloud plumber at Entrepreneur at Siltakatu Solutions Oy.

OpenPGP: 3AB05486C7752FE1

Thorsten Leemhuis (acct. 1/4)

Edited 1 year ago

Linus might be willing to drop support for i486-class machines[1] from the .

No, nobody asked for that directly; he brought that up in a discussion himself:

[1] and a couple of processors which _claimed_ to be Pentium class, but weren't


Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 1 year ago
In my work (or more like home office) desktop I started to use #sway (#i3 #wayland replica). Works for that really well, would not put it to my casual/studio desktop tho (which is mac mini anyway). i.e. you can use it make your console like you had your power plant or something :-) my friend tuomo.wrote the original #ion3 window manager, which influenced this and few others back in the day.

more direct ion3 derivative also continues to live on as and i've heard that there is also wayland replica of this.

Jarkko Sakkinen

lol what #Trump #NFT cards. when the comedy writes itself

Scumm Bar 3D technique explained and open-sourced! ⌨️🗒️📺

Apologies it took so long and thank you to everyone chasing me to make this follow-up ❤️‍🔥

RVX Projector:


Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 1 year ago
so yasm vs. nasm? :-) confusing, i was aware only of latter and that's what i've been using in the past (not very recently, mostly just gas).

Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 1 year ago
Do not know much about #oauth2 but I wonder if I could extract from #Thunderbird the login certificate and re-use that in #aerc?


Jarkko Sakkinen

katsoin tyttöystävän kanssa #leijonanluola:n ekan jakson. OK, myönnetään se itse keksintö oli vähän mitä nyt oli mut se tilitys sen jälkeen kuinka rauta on niin vaikeeta, että ei sellaista bisnestä Suomeen. Thanks Nokia but no thanks ja sillein.

Sit tulee jotain lääkehourusen kuulosta hölinää kaarnan nuuhkimisesta ja metsässä sekoilusta. Ei mitään teknokraatteja ainakaan nämä puunhalaajaleijonat.

Tajuun kyl tod että ei tollaista keksintöä kukaan alaa rahoittaa, mut siis en yhtään ymmärtänyt sitä taantumuksellista läpän heittoa sen jälkeen.

Tervetuloa appi- ja konsulttisuomeen.

#leijonat #nokia #startup #slush #app #tieto #valueforlife
Mark your calendars: vger migration is being finalized this Thursday!

Jarkko Sakkinen

aiemmin sanoin että en käytä #wolt:a eettisten syiden takia, mikä on totta.

toinen syy on se, että se alusta ei toimi. mulla on asunto #tampere:n ydinkeskustassa, mutta sen ulko-ovi ei ole rappukäytävässä. ne muutamat kerrat kun oon tyypannut, niin sitä saa olla lähikaduilla puhelimen kanssa etsimässä kuskia. woltilla on karttamerkintä, mutta ei se kyllä mitään tunnu auttavan.

myös #foodora:a kokeilin jossain vaiheessa, ruoka ei tullu lainkaan perille, ja ne ei maksanut rahoja takaisin, koska olin kuulemma ottanut ruoan vastaan :-)

eli vaikka haluaisin käyttää, niin en oo tarpeeksi vippi noiden asiakkaaksi i guess...

Jarkko Sakkinen

It is 2023 but for me #Github runners are new, flashy and exciting thing. I put some for my #zmodem2 crate ( basic CI tests).I discovered these functionalities for the first time in 2022 while at #Profian, and working on #Enarx.

I was thinking that I could start to mirror my tree to GIthub just to run some CI but can you disable PR's completely? If not, then I think I pass . What about #Gitlab?

Have not used Gitlab that much David (Howells) just set me up access for keyutils repository so have to learn to use it more.

What has turned me away so far from Gitlab is that already Github is sometimes really feeling like someone was drilling a hole through my head and Gitlab on surface looks to have even more all kinds of weird controls and looks somewhat scary but perhaps the real truth is different than my prejudice :-)

Jarkko Sakkinen

on vaikeata olla eri mieltä :-) vähän tässä koputellut, kun tässä pitäisi syksyllä palata yritysmaailmaan, mutta ei ole oikein mitään. eli virtuaalisesti etänä ulkomaille töihin...

Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 1 year ago

generated documentation starts to look a bit like actual documentation after fixing all the clippy::pedantic errors.i was not aware of this flag until some sent a PR fixing a few of these. not that experienced with the language yet..

only thing that is left is two integration tests for examples in order call this 0.1, i.e. test_sz_to_rzm and test_rz_szm but I need a. stable and idiomatic way to point out to the executables. I guess I could make this happen by injecting stuff through, right?

after that is sorted out it is good for what i needed it originally for (my serial terminal), i’ll set up github runner for CI (tests + clippy), make the crate release and call it a day. after that not going to do proactively do anything to it except review and merge pull requests.

#zmodem2 #rustlang


Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 1 year ago
A #Polyend #Tracker song has 8 tracks and 48 instruments at most. A pattern can have 128 steps.

Let's consider MIDI export.

Since an instrument can change per step (instrument is one of the note parameters), in the worst case scenario you would need 48 * 8 = 384 MIDI tracks to export a single 8 track pattern. This sort of gives perspective on the complexity of this instrument.

#Ableton and #Bitwig have a sort of solution for this: drum rack. So if you had a plugin that can play polyend instrument then you would need 8 instances of drum rack each with in worst case 48 instances of that plugin and choke group spanning all of the instances. I.e. in worst case you would be running 8 drum racks and 384 instances of the plugin. Pitch could be changed with generated pitch automation. More feasible than 384 MIDI tracks but still somewhat exhausting.

Did not realize how complex problem it can be to do 1:1 correct export of a tracker project until I started to actually think of it :-) As odd as it sounds it would easier to implement software clone of the tracker than to implement a DAW export of a tracker project.

Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 1 year ago
suomalainen #yliopisto-maailma kaipais enemmän praktiikka-työrooleja, eikä pelkkää #tutkija-urapolkua. se on mun näppituntuma tän tilapäisen spin offin aikana. jotkut tutkimusprojektit sisältää sen verran monimutkaisia ohjelmisto- ja rautalopputuotteita, että ihmiset joutuu hoitamaan tällaisia rooleja käytännössä väärällä virkanimikkeellä. se johtaa heikoilla prosesseilla toteutettuun kehitykseen, koska praktiikkaa tehdään ikäänkuin tiskin alta, koska se ei ole virallisesti tunnustettu maali samalla tavalla kuin itse julkaisut.

jos näin tehtäisiin, saataisiin parempaa laatua vähemmällä ajankulutuksella ja paineella, ja ihmiset saisivat parempaa tunnustusta käytännön sorvauksesta. vaikka työroolit aiheuttaa budjettiin lisäkustannuksia, koska silloin tekemisestäkin pitää maksaa parempaa liksaa, niin työtuntisäästöt vastaisivat varmasti useampaa kuin yhtä henkilötyövuotta per tutkimushanke. tässä ehkä katsotaan liikaa suoraa kustannusta, eikä mietitä epäsuoria kustannusvaikutuksia tarpeeksi.

Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 1 year ago

well, returned back safe #neovim. i did like experimenting with #helix tho and am going change my neovim configuration based on that. I’ve used vim for 25 years so pretty hard to get out of old habbits.

Some glitches that would need to be fixed before I would try it again:

  1. Doing quick changes to tabbing was too much effort compared to something like set ts=2 sw=2 et. Creating a .helix directory for upstream projects in not always even an option.
  2. I don’t like multiselect, totally useless and confusing feature to me, and the whole philosophy is based on this concept. I generally do not want the text editor to be too symbol aware to the point that it gets in the way. This is actually why I never got into Emacs. It is way too smart editor for me :-)
  3. I was not able to format (gq) email paragraphs when responding with aerc.
  4. No remote editing so not very nice to use with tmux. I usually open my files from command-line, not from the editor.
  5. Probably just user incompetence but I did not know how to exist from that stupid multi-select once I had done search replace. So I exited the whole editor after every single search-replace.

In producing code it is not very important how fast you can write the code because 95% of time goes to QA anyway and making first functional version to actually work with real workloads. So personally I think that new editors optimize a local maximum that does not help to deliver all that much as you might first think.


Jarkko Sakkinen

I'm implementing crate for reading (and later on writing) #polyend #tracker projects :-) Not proactively developed until I get my serial tool in shape tho. After I have that I might write a playback engine for the projects and a command-line player. For reverse engineering reverb and delay algorithms I'm going to use Bitwig Grid and then just compare sampled output until I get it right.

The utility would be e.g. to convert Polyend project to #Bitwig or #Ableton project and stuff like that but to do proper conversion you first need to have a playback engine for comparative testing even though those tools do no need to play anything.

Jarkko Sakkinen

Theoretically I wonder how feasible it would be to generate some HDL and software from same Rust code base. Borrow checker and lifetime parameters give already a framework for that purpose so I guess it could be theoretically possible. #rustlang #vhdl #verilog

Jarkko Sakkinen

Cool apparently got first PR to zmodem2 crate. Now I have an open source community, quality replace quantity I hope :-)


Jarkko Sakkinen

To make manageable #Rust stacks over time, I’ve ended up to following conclusions on how to make I/O connectors between library crates:

  1. Internal Read, Seek and Write traits that specify an API that is a more constrained versions of std::io counterparts. Here the masking is used for benefit so that all in-crate code depends on exactly to internal traits.
  2. A submodule named containing std::io implementations and macro shenanigans to use it [1]. This way std can be compiled out if required (e.g. when used with embedded_io).
  3. Optionally outside I/O can be embedded with a tuple or enum value containing a tuple.

This way my own crates are pretty easy to glue to std, embedded_io and other crates providing the I/O backend so this sort of indirection makes a lot of sense. The goal is to have a structure with clean separation of internals and connectors to the outside world (which can or might not include std).


#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#[cfg(feature = "std")] 
mod std;


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